every goal
it's a great success

We are honored to share with you the goals achieved in 2020
thanks to your trust.
We will continue on this path as a sign of gratitude
towards you all.

150 K
orders processed

In 2020 we have fulfilled a number of orders
equal to the number of inhabitants of Cagliari!

of laid tables

We have set the tables
of 1 million of families


13 K
of positive feedback

The number of 5-star feedback received is equal to the kilometers of distance between Italy and Australia!


of goblets and glass glasses sold in 2020

thanks to our

only 1 goblet on
600 is broken

and promptly

on average, during shipments, being delicate products,
1 glass in 600 breaks, a negligible percentage of breakage equal to 0.16%


650 K
cutlery sold

The number of cutlery sold in 2020 is equal to the square kilometers of the surface of France!

6 K
pans and pots sold

How much the weight of an African elephant!

we shipped

reaching the families and businesses of over 60 states around the world
